Monday, December 14, 2009


2.5 tsp. curry powder
1/2 tsp. chili powder
2 cloves garlic
1.5 c. coconut milk
2 c. brussel sprouts
1 c. delicata squash (cubed w/ skin)
3/4 c. firm tofu (cubed)
green onions
mung beans

Coconut Milk:
2/3 c. organic shredded coconut
1.5 c. milk/soy milk

-In a sauce pan slowly heat together the milk and coconut, until warm or to a simmer. Run the coconut milk through a strainer to eliminate the coconut pieces. Transfer milk into a wok and add curry powder, chili powder, and garlic. Once mixed together add the brussel sprouts, tofu, and squash (for best results, pre-cook the squash and brussel sprouts in boiling water until soft). Simmer for about 10 minutes, or until tofu is cooked through. Garnish with mung beans, green onion, and cilantro. Serves 2.

leaves your kitchen smelling devine.


  1. dear abby,
    this sounds soooo delish! i am just wondering about one thaaaang. porque make coconut milk con leche de soya y shreds de coco cuando you can just use a can of coconut milk?
    curious canned henry (if you don't get this joke, it's okay. i get it--but hardly. hahaha)

  2. haha, abby? do you mean baby?

    you can fo def use canned coconut (i highly approve anything canned, hence my name, "canned cactus"..err). here's the scoop: i was in the mood for curry, and after tearing apart our lazy susan, looking for coco-milk, i was nearly to tears (not really, but you know). luckily, my mom reminded me that we had shredded coconut in the cubbard and that i could just make my own coco-milk, a la lauren. this is why moms are on the planet, to help us figure out how to make our curries work! anyways that's the story.
    i don't know who henry is, but i like the code name..

  3. hahahaha well that was a FANTAST story! aaaand i applaud you and your mother for the creativity involved in the makin of this dish!

    sorry i don't think you get i! i was pretending to be one of those people writing to an ask abby column in a newspaper and my name canned henry had something to do with oil can henrys and canned coconut milk and confusion!! haha. oookay. brain= :)

  4. haha, i get it now. thanks for 'splanin! and thanks for the applause, i like it.
