Sunday, August 22, 2010


Earlier this summer I inherited this chair from my Dad, who used it during university. I made this blue doily pillow to go with it. How? Here's how:

What you need:
-1 Yard of fabric (this can vary depending on how big you want your pillow)
-Spool of thread
-1 Doily (I bought mine at a thrift store for $1 I think)

Cut your fabric evenly into two halves (make sure the doily has at least 2 inches around the edge)

Take one half of your fabric , center doily, and fasten with pins,

Carefully sew around the perimeter of the doily, attaching it to your fabric.

Sew the pill in-side-out leaving a three inch gap somewhere along the edge.

Turn pillow right-side-in exposing the doily side.

Stuff with pillow fluff and carefully sew by hand the remaining open edge.

*Tip: I like to buy my fabric from the thrift store, because you get cool vintage prints and it's hella cheap.

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