Saturday, October 16, 2010

Granola is soo delicious but unfortunately it's soo expensive in stores. SOLUTION! Make it yourself. It's quick, easy, and best of all, it makes your house smell delicious while it's cooking. The best thing about granola is you can really put what ever you like in it. Rummage through your cupboards, see what you have, throw it in the oven, and ta-da, granola!

Here's what's in this batch:
-Rolled Oat
-Apricot Molasses (my first try making apricot jam I decided to replace the sugar with sucanat and I ended up with a dark, rich, molasses like substance. Rather than throwing it out I use it in my granola instead of real molasses)
-Apricot Jam (a mess up trial batch that didn't solidify, but again, finding another use for it)
-Shredded Coconut
-Chopped Dates

*Other liquid that many people use are maple syrup, agave syrup, and canola oil.

First place all the liquid in a pot over heat until thouroughly combine, then stirred in the oats. Place mixed oats on a baking sheet and put in oven around 350 F and stir every 5 to 10 minutes or so. *Be extra careful to stir your granola, it burns easily! Once nice and golden brown take out oats, and mix in other remaining ingredients (coconut, nuts, dried fruit, etc.). Let cool, then place in container--like this cool floral one I found at Value Village for $2.

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